Help Center/Organization/Members and guests of an organization

Members and guests of an organization

In every organization, each individual has a specific account type. This account type determines the content they can access in the organization, including organization resources like teams, libraries, and shared fonts.

This article explains two main account types: Members and guests.

'account types.png'

Tip: Another account type in Motiff is the admin. Admins are members of a team or organization who have additional management permissions.


Members are individuals whose email domain matches the organization domain.

For example, Motiff has set up the domains Motiff.com and dev.Motiff.com. Anyone joining the organization with a Motiff email (e.g. name@Motiff.com or name@dev.Motiff.com) is considered a member.

Members have access to teams, libraries, and other shared resources within the organization.

Members can be added to the organization in several ways:

  • By invitation at the organization management level.
  • By being invited to specific teams, projects, or files.


Guests are individuals whose email domain does not match the organization domain in Motiff. They are usually external users, such as contractors, agencies, clients, or external collaborators.

For instance, Motiff has set up the domain Motiff.com. They collaborate with other organizations and invite employees from those organizations to join specific teams within the organization. These collaborators do not have a Motiff.com email, so they are considered guests.

Guests have limited access to the organization. They cannot access any teams or resources beyond those they are invited to.

Guests can only join the organization by being invited to specific teams, projects, or files.

Note: Guests cannot become members and cannot manually change their status in the organization. They must have an email that matches the organization domain to become members.

Permissions in detail

Access their invited teams, projects, or files
Invite other members and guests to access teams, projects, or files (when guest access is allowed)
Access files via link sharingWhen the file is set to Anyone with the linkWhen the file is set to Anyone with the link or Members in the organization with the link
View all teams with full access and those requiring access requests
Join or apply to join teams in the organization
Create new teams in the organization
Become a team admin in the organization
Become an organization admin
Use organization librariesIf they are invited