As an organization admin in Motiff, you have access to the Admin section in your file browser sidebar. This section enables you to efficiently manage your organization by performing tasks such as managing teams, members, billing, and security settings.
Organization admins can grant admin access to other members.
Organization admins can view and change the domains associated with their organization.
Learn more about how to view and change organization domains.
Each member in the organization has an account type, which determines their access to resources such as teams, libraries, and shared fonts.
Organization admins can manage their access permissions, and add or remove members and guests.
Organization admins can view and manage teams under the organization, including all publicly accessible teams, as well as any Secret teams they have joined.
Organization admins can manage shared resources. These resources include shared libraries, fonts, and plugins that are accessible to all organization members. Admins can also upload fonts to make them available organization-wide.
Note: After uploading shared fonts, they will appear in the font selector when opening any file within the organization.
Tip: If the uploaded font already exists, Motiff will ask whether you want to replace the existing font with the new font in a popup. You can click Cancel to keep the original font or click Replace to update the font.
The activity log provides a detailed record of actions performed by members and visitors within the organization. Organization admins can use activity logs to monitor file access, track changes, and ensure the proper use of organization resources.
For each event in the activity log, you can view:
Tip: Motiff supports tracking the following event types:
Note: When exporting activity logs, all events within the specified date range will be included. Filters applied in the activity log view will not affect the exported data.
Organization admins can view and manage organization billing. In Motiff, each organization member has a seat type, and the seat type affects the member's operational permissions. Different types of seats are billed differently. Your plan and the number of paid seats determine the overall cost. When you change a member's seat type, you also change the billing status of the organization.
Learn more about seat types in Motiff.
Motiff prioritizes data security and privacy with robust security architecture and strict access policies. All data is encrypted during transmission and at rest, including backups and snapshots, using HTTPS with TLS 1.2 or higher. Regular audits ensure minimal access rights, and data between customers is strictly isolated. Employees cannot access user data without authorization. For details, refer to the Privacy Policy.
The organization has ownership over all the files created within the organization, including files within a member's drafts.
Once a member is removed, all their teams, files, and projects will remain in the organization. Files in Drafts will be moved to Shared projects, accessible to all organization admins.
Organization admins can click on Shared projects in the workspace to view all drafts from removed members and decide how to handle the projects or files within.
Tip: The admin performing the removal will become the new owner of these drafts.
Members with Can edit permissions can set the following sharing options for links, including those that allow sharing outside the organization.
Organization admins can restrict external link sharing in their organization. This prevents anyone outside the organization from accessing files through file links.
Available sharing options: