Help Center/Organization/Manage organization domains

Manage organization domains

Motiff distinguishes between organization members and visitors through the domain name in the user's email address. Organization members and guests have different operation permissions. Additionally, files within the corporation can be configured to be shared within the corporate scope.

Note: Motiff has configured its domain name as: @Motiff.com. Any user whose email domain matches @Motiff.com will be considered a member of the company. Users whose email domain does not match @Motiff.com will be considered guests, such as name@gmail.com.

Corporations can configure multiple corporate domain names, including subdomains like @example.motiff.com. Organization admins can view or request changes to the organization's domain name.

View organization domain

Only organization admins can view or change the organization domain name:

  1. 1.Open the organization in the Motiff workspace.
  2. 2.Click on Admins in the sidebar.
  3. 3.Click on Settings.
  4. 4.View the current domain in the Domains section.

Please contact the Motiff team to change the organization's domain name.