Help Center/Layer properties/Manage fills, strokes, and effects properties

Manage fills, strokes, and effects properties

Understanding the rendering order of properties on different types of layers is essential for achieving the desired visual effects in your designs. Motiff also allows you to manage properties, ensuring flexibility and precision in your workflow.

Render orders

Different properties on a layer have a specific rendering order, and different types of layers have different orders.

Normal layers, boolean groups, clipped frames

  1. 1.Layer blur
  2. 2.Stroke paints
  3. 3.Inner shadow
  4. 4.Fills
  5. 5.Drop shadow
  6. 6.Background blur

Unclipped frames

  1. 1.Layer blur
  2. 2.Inner shadow
  3. 3.Fill, stroke, effects of inner layers
  4. 4.Fill of the frame itself
  5. 5.Stroke
  6. 6.Drop shadow
  7. 7.Background blur


  1. 1.Layer blur
  2. 2.Inner shadow
  3. 3.Fill, stroke, effects of inner layers
  4. 4.Drop shadow
  5. 5.Background blur

Manage properties

Motiff supports the following methods to manage the properties of fills, strokes, and effects.

Hide properties

You can adjust whether each property is shown or hidden separately.

  • Click next to the effect to make it hidden.
  • Click next to the effect to make it shown.

Delete properties

You can delete a property in the following ways:

  • Click next to a layer to delete that property.
  • Select a layer and use the shortcut key Delete to delete that property.

Adjust the order of properties

Drag up and down from the front part of each layer to adjust the order of the properties on that layer.

Copy and paste properties

You can select a property and then use ⌘ Command + C , ⌘ Command + V / Ctrl + C , Ctrl + V to copy and paste that property.